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Travel insurance Quote

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Car insurance Quote

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Life insurance Quote

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Have you used tobacco or nicotine products in the last 12 months?

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House insurance Quote

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Asfina Assurances & Credits

Life insurances
for your family

Curabitur iaculis ante a nibh vulputate sollicitudin.

Insurances do matter

Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur.

Insurance agency

Car insurances

Curabitur iaculis ante a nibh vulputate sollicitudin.

Insurances do matter

Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur.

Take care of your family

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris hendrerit fringilla ligula, nec congue leo pharetra in. Quisque commodo vehicula justo, tincidunt vehicula elit consequat vel.

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Get an insurance quote!

House insurance

Suspendisse potenti. Nullam pharetra sed felis non sodales. Nam eleifend, arcu sed imperdiet euismod, augue eros consequat tortor, ut convallis eros. Aenean a ipsum vel eros elementum efficitur.

Get an insurance quote!

Travel insurance

Etiam id ante est. Aenean pellentesque quam vel purus tincidunt tristique. Integer arcu nibh, tempus id ultricies ut, vulputate nec nunc. Etiam elit elit, commodo at interdum sed.

Get an insurance quote!

Life insurance

Quisque pharetra lorem quis libero ornare fringilla. Maecenas nisl justo, suscipit vel tortor at, varius auctor erat. Maecenas efficitur felis nec arcu volutpat lacinia.

Get an insurance quote!

Car insurance

Proin et posuere dolor, a finibus tellus. Phasellus suscipit gravida magna. Nam posuere nisi eu ex sodales, sit amet dictum turpis maximus. Maecenas sodales vehicula tellus, at imperdiet risus.

  • House insurance
  • Travel insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Car insurance

About us

Meet our insurance agency.

Curabitur iaculis ante a nibh vulputate sollicitudin. Integer ut tincidunt ligula. Praesent pretium, tellus at elementum ultrices.

March, 2009

The establishment of our agency, with two professional insurance agents, in small office in Boston.

December, 2011

Three new insurance agents in our team, 2.500 customers!

February, 2014

Moving to a new office in Boston. More than 5.000 customers, great references and great view of the future!

Our vision

Best insurances for everyone.

Nous sommes une équipe familiale spécialisée dans le secteur des crédits hypothécaires, crédits a la consommation et des assurances depuis pres de 40 ans. Nous travaillons avec la plupart des grandes compagnies de crédit et d'assurance pour apporter a nos clients des solutions sur-mesure, adaptées a leur vie et répondant a leurs attentes. Nous nous faisons un plaisir de réponde a vos demandes forts de notre longue expérience en crédit, crédit hypothécaire et assurances pour vous guider dans vos projets. Nous pouvons vous recevoir tous les jours dans nos bureau situés a Schaerbeek de 9h30 a 17h et le week-end sur rendez-vous. Vous pouvez également nous passer un coup de fil, nous nous ferons un plaisir de répondre a vos questionsavec rapidité et transparence..<br />

Kudret Solmaz
1294 satisfied customers
5 professional agents
8 insurances in our offer
12 years of experience
Take care of your child

Insurances for
your child's future

Curabitur iaculis ante a nibh vulputate sollicitudin.

Company informations

Insurance Agency
John Doe

5002 Example Street
Los Angeles, CA 90034

Contact details

E-mail address:

(+32) 02 217 6382

Available 8:00am - 4:00pm